Virologica Sinica awarded 2014 “The Highest International Impact Academic Journals of China”
Date:23-01-2015 | 【Print】 【close】
Released on December 16, 2014, Virologica Sinica, sponsored by Wuhan Institute of Virology and Chinese Society for Microbiology, was awarded “The Highest International Impact Academic Journals of China” (HII-CAJ, Top 5% STM journals of China) in 2014 China’s academic journal impact (CAJ) report, and it was the second time that the Journal was awarded this title after 2013.
The annual report of CAJ is jointly conducted by International Evaluation Research Center of China Literature, China Academic Journals Electronic Publishing House and Library of Tsinghua University. The report adopts big data analysis method and covers about 14,000 kinds of journals (including SCI-JCR journals) in its statistical range.
Virologica Sinica, founded in 1986, is the only journal of the Chinese Society for Microbiology published in English. The Journal publishes peer-reviewed research articles and reviews on the latest developments in all branches of virology, welcomes studies on virus discovery, viral pathogenesis, virus-host interaction, vaccine development, antiviral agents and therapies, and virus related bio-techniques, and serves as a platform for the communication and exchange of academic information and ideas in an international context.
No publishing/page charges to authors, and all submissions are handled electronically, via ScholarOne online submission and review system. The journal is published by Springer-Verlag Press, and abstracted/indexed in: PubMed/Medline, Scopus, BIOSIS, EMBASE, Google Scholar, ect.