Zhihong HU

Title: Principal Investigator E-mail: huzh@wh.iov.cn


 1.    Wang X, Shang Y,Cheng C, Liu S, Chang M, Zhang N, Hu H, Zhang H, Zhang T, Wang Z, Liu X, Lin Z,Deng F, Wang H, Zou Z, Vlak JM, Wang M*, Hu Z*. Baculovirus peros infectivity factor complex: components and assembly. J Virol. 2019,93(6):e02053-18.

2.     Wang M. and Hu Z*. Cross-talking between baculovirusesand host insects towards a successful infection.PhilosTrans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2019 Mar 4; 374(1767):20180324.

3.     Yuan C, Xing L, Wang M, Wang X, Yin M, Wang Q, HuZ*, Zou Z*. Inhibition of melanization by serpin-5 and serpin-9 promotes baculovirusinfection in cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera. PLoS Pathog. 2017,13(9): e1006645.

4.     Shang Y, Wang M,Xiao G, Wang X, Hou D, Pan K, Liu S, Li J, Wang J, Arif BM, Vlak JM, Chen X,Wang H, Deng F*, Hu Z*. Construction and rescue of a functionalsynthetic baculovirus. ACS Synth Biol. 2017, 6(7):1393–1402.

5.     Kuang W, Zhang H,Wang M, Zhou N, Deng F, Wang H, Gong P*, Hu Z*. Three conserved regionsin baculovirus sulfhydryl oxidase P33 are critical for enzymatic activity and function. J Virol. 2017, 91(23):e01158-17.

6.     HuangH, Wang M, Deng F, Hou D, Basil M. Arif, Wang H, Hu Z*. The ha72 Core geneof baculovirus is essential for budded virus production and occlusion-derived virusembedding, and amino acid K22 plays an important role in its function. J Virol. 2014, 88(1):705-709.

7.     HouD#, Zhang L#, Deng F#, Fang W, Wang R, Liu X, Guo L*, Rayner S, Chen X, Wang H,Hu Z*.. Comparative proteomics reveal fundamental structuraland functional differences between the two progeny phenotypes of a baculovirus. J Virol. 2013, 87:829-39.

8.     Guo Y, Wang W, JiW, Deng M, Sun Y, Zhou H, Yang C, Deng F, Wang H, Hu Z*, Lou Z*,Rao Z*.Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever virus nucleoprotein reveals endonucleaseactivity in bunyaviruses. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012, 109(13):5046-5051.

9.     Wang R, Deng F,Hou D, Zhao Y, Guo L, Wang H, Hu Z*. Proteomics of the Autographacalifornica nucleopolyhedrovirus budded virions. J Virol. 2010. 84(14):7233–7242.

10.  Deng F#, Wang R#,Fang M, Jiang Y, Xu X, Wang H, Chen X, B. M. Arif, Guo L, Wang H, Hu Z*.Proteomicsanalysis of HearNPV identified two new ODV associated proteins, HA44 and HA100.J Virol. 2007, 81(17): 9377-9385.