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1. Cao G, Gao X, Zhan Y, Wang Q, Zhang Z, Dimitrov DS, Gong R. An engineered human IgG1 CH2 domain with decreased aggregation and nonspecific binding. MAbs. 2020, 12(1):1689027.

2. Li M, Chen L, Wang Q, Hao M, Zhang X, Liu L, Yu X, Yang C, Xu J*, Chen J*, Gong R*. A cross-reactive human monoclonal antibody targets the conserved H7 antigenic site A from fifth wave H7N9-infected humans. Antiviral Res. 2019, 170:104556.


3. Gao X, Conard A, Yang C, Zhan Y, Zeng F, Shi J, Li W, Dimitrov DS, Gong R*. Optimization of the C-Terminus of an Autonomous Human IgG1 CH2 Domain for Stability and Aggregation Resistance. Mol Pharm. 2019, 16(8):3647-3656.


4. Yang C, Zeng F, Gao X, Zhao S, Li X, Liu S, Li N, Deng C, Zhang B, Gong R*. Characterization of two engineered dimeric Zika virus envelope proteins as immunogens for neutralizing antibody selection and vaccine design. J Biol Chem. 2019, 294(27):10638-10648.


5. Yang C, Gong R*, de Val N*. Development of Neutralizing Antibodies against Zika Virus Based on Its Envelope Protein Structure. Virol Sin. 2019, 34(2):168-174.


6. Zeng F, Yang C, Gao X, Li X, Zhang Z, Gong R*. Comprehensive elucidation of the structural and functional roles of engineered disulfide bonds in antibody Fc fragment. J Biol Chem. 2018, 293(49):19127-19135.


7. Yang C, Gao X, Gong R*. Engineering of Fc Fragments with Optimized Physicochemical Properties Implying Improvement of Clinical Potentials for Fc-Based Therapeutics. Front. Immunol. 2018, 8:1860.


8. Sun Y, Zhang H, Shi J, Zhang Z, Gong R*. Identification of a Novel Inhibitor against Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus. Viruses. 2017, 9(9).


9. Chen X, Zeng F, Huang T, Cheng L, Liu H*, Gong R*. Optimization on Fc for Improvement of Stability and Aggregation Resistance. Curr Pharm Biotechnol. 2016, 17(15):1353-1359.


10. Gong R*. Editorial (Thematic Issue: Fc-related Antibody Engineering). Curr Pharm Biotechnol. 2016, 17(15):1296-1297.


11. Shi J, Zhang H, Gong R*, Xiao G*. Characterization of the fusion core in zebrafish endogenous retroviral envelope protein. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2015, 460(3):633-8.


12. Guo L, Zhang Z, Gong R*, Xiao G*. Real-time quantitative PCR assay for rapid detection of murine virus contamination in bioproducts. Virol Sin. 2014, 29(3):193-5.


13. Gong R*, Xiao G. Engineered antibody variable and constant domains as therapeutic candidates. Pharm Pat Anal. 2013, 2(5):637-46.


14. Gong R*, Wang Y, Ying T, Feng Y, Streaker E, Prabakaran P, Dimitrov DS*. N-terminal truncation of an isolated human IgG1 CH2 domain significantly increases its stability and aggregation resistance. Mol Pharm. 2013, 10(7):2642-52.


15. Zhu Z, Prabakaran P, Chen W, Broder CC, Gong R*, Dimitrov DS*. Human monoclonal antibodies as candidate therapeutics against emerging viruses and HIV-1. Virol Sin. 2013, 28(2):71-80.


16. Gong R*, Wang Y, Ying T, Dimitrov DS. Bispecific engineered antibody domains (nanoantibodies) that interact noncompetitively with an HIV-1 neutralizing epitope and FcRn. PLoS One. 2012, 7(8):e42288.


17. Gehlsen K$*, Gong R$, Bramhill D, Wiersma D, Kirkpatrick S, Wang Y, Feng Y, Dimitrov DS. Pharmacokinetics of engineered human monomeric and dimeric CH2 domains. MAbs. 2012, 4(4):466-74. ($contributed equally)


18. Gong R*, Chen W, Dimitrov DS. Candidate antibody-based therapeutics against HIV-1. BioDrugs. 2012, 26(3):143-62.


19. Gong R, Wang Y, Feng Y, Zhao Q, Dimitrov DS*. Shortened engineered human antibody CH2 domains: increased stability and binding to the human neonatal fc receptor. J Biol Chem. 2011, 286(31):27288-93.


20. Gong R, Vu BK, Feng Y, Prieto DA, Dyba MA, Walsh JD, Prabakaran P, Veenstra TD, Tarasov SG, Ishima R, Dimitrov DS*. Engineered human antibody constant domains with increased stability. J Biol Chem. 2009, 284(21):14203-10.


21. Gong R, Huang L, Shi J, Luo K, Qiu G, Feng H, Tien P, Xiao G*. Syncytin-A mediates the formation of syncytiotrophoblast involved in mouse placental development. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2007, 20(5):517-26.


22. Gong R, Peng X, Kang S, Feng H, Huang J, Zhang W, Lin D, Tien P*, Xiao G*. Structural characterization of the fusion core in syncytin, envelope protein of human endogenous retrovirus family W. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2005, 331(4):1193-200.


23. Lei C, Gong R, Ying T*. Editorial: Antibody Fc Engineering: Towards Better Therapeutics. Front Immunol. 2018, 9:2450. 


24. Wang Y, Shan Y, Gao X, Gong R, Zheng J, Zhang XD, Zhao Q*. Screening and expressing HIV-1 specific antibody fragments in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol Immunol. 2018, 103:279-285.


25. Li D, Gong R, Zheng J, Chen X*, Dimitrov DS, Zhao Q*. Engineered antibody CH2 domains binding to nucleolin: Isolation, characterization and improvement of aggregation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017, 485(2):446-453.


26. Ying T*, Wang Y, Feng Y, Prabakaran P, Gong R, Wang L, Crowder K, Dimitrov DS. Engineered antibody domains with significantly increased transcytosis and half-life in macaques mediated by FcRn. MAbs. 2015, 7(5):922-30.


27. Ying T*, Gong R, Ju TW, Prabakaran P, Dimitrov DS. Engineered Fc based antibody domains and fragments as novel scaffolds. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2014, 1844(11):1977-82.


28. Zu X, Liu Y, Wang S, Jin R, Zhou Z, Liu H, Gong R, Xiao G*, Wang W*. Peptide inhibitor of Japanese encephalitis virus infection targeting envelope protein domain III. Antiviral Res. 2014, 104C:7-14.


29. Chen W, Gong R, Ying T, Prabakaran P, Zhu Z, Feng Y, Dimitrov DS*. Discovery of Novel Candidate Therapeutics and Diagnostics Based on Engineered Human Antibody Domains. Curr Drug Discov Technol. 2014, 11(1):28-40.


30. Ying T*, Chen W, Feng Y, Wang Y, Gong R, Dimitrov DS. Engineered soluble monomeric IgG1 CH3 domain: generation, mechanisms of function, and implications for design of biological therapeutics. J Biol Chem. 2013, 288(35):25154-64.


31. Prabakaran P*, Zhu Z, Chen W, Gong R, Feng Y, Streaker E, Dimitrov DS. Origin, diversity, and maturation of human antiviral antibodies analyzed by high-throughput sequencing. Front Microbiol. 2012, 3:277.


32. Ying T*, Chen W, Gong R, Feng Y, Dimitrov DS. Soluble Monomeric IgG1 Fc. J Biol Chem. 2012, 287(23):19399-408.


33. Chen W, Feng Y, Gong R, Zhu Z, Wang Y, Zhao Q, Dimitrov DS*. Engineered single human CD4 domains as potent HIV-1 inhibitors and components of vaccine immunogens. J Virol. 2011, 85(18):9395-405.


34. Feng Y*, Gong R, Dimitrov DS. Design, expression and characterization of a soluble single-chain functional human neonatal Fc receptor. Protein Expr Purif. 2011, 79(1):66-71.


35. Peng X, Pan J, Gong R, Liu Y, Kang S, Feng H, Qiu G, Guo D, Tien P, Xiao G*. Functional characterization of syncytin-A, a newly murine endogenous virus envelope protein: implication for its fusion mechanism. J Biol Chem. 2007, 282(1):381-9


36. Sha Y, Wu Y, Cao Z, Xu X, Wu W, Jiang D, Mao X, Liu H, Zhu Y, Gong R, Li W. A convenient cell fusion assay for the study of SARS-CoV entry and inhibition. IUBMB Life. 2006, 58(8):480-6.



37. Sun G, Guo M, Shen A, Mei F, Peng X, Gong R, Guo D, Wu J, Tien P*, Xiao G*. Bovine PrPC directly interacts with alphaB-crystalline. FEBS Lett. 2005, 579(24):5419-24.